martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Mr. Bean Funny Videos

1) Warm-up
-Watch these videos about Mr Bin
-Where is he? What does he do?
-Explain the final scene.



2) Say which sentences belong to the video A or B

* Mr. Bean is upset because there are lots of trashes on the streets.
* Mr Bean sees an artist in the street.
* Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.
* Mr Bean doesn't understand the portrait.
* Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts. 
* Mr Bean creates his own way of making art in the middle of the street.

Stranger than Fiction

1) Watch the video
- What does Harold Crick do?
-Refer to everyday activities.
-You can use these words to help you ;)

What is the Baker's routine like??

Let's know about some special routines!!!:D

1) Read the text about Melanie's father and complete with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Famous people, Special routines!

1) Read the text and then choose the best option

2) Look this article about Tara Lipinski. Read it.

-Why is she famous?
-What time does she gets up?
-What time does she go to the Destrit Skating Club?
-How many hours of practise does she have every day? Does she work with a couch?
-Does she go to bed early?

Now it's YOUR turn!!!

1) Think about your favourite famous person (football player/ classical dancer/athlete/etc.)

2) Find out information about him/her. WhaT time he/she gets up, what he/she usually does/etc.

3) Now, you have all the information. Write about a famous person's routine :D
Follow this model as a guide