martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Mr. Bean Funny Videos

1) Warm-up
-Watch these videos about Mr Bin
-Where is he? What does he do?
-Explain the final scene.



2) Say which sentences belong to the video A or B

* Mr. Bean is upset because there are lots of trashes on the streets.
* Mr Bean sees an artist in the street.
* Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.
* Mr Bean doesn't understand the portrait.
* Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts. 
* Mr Bean creates his own way of making art in the middle of the street.

6 comentarios:

  1. * Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.
    * Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discount.

    tomas y matias

  2. Mr. Bean is upset because there are lots of trashes on the streets.

    * Mr Bean sees an artist in the street.

    * Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.b

    * Mr Bean doesn't understand the portrait.

    * Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts. b

    * Mr Bean creates his own way of making art in the middle of the street.

  3. Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way B

    Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts B

    Gonchalo Molina y Manuel Nemesio

  4. *MR Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way = B

    *Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts = B


  5. * Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.
    *Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts.

