lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Making Invitations & Suggestions

Here there are some tips!!:D

1) What will you answer to the people saying: (write the letter in the box)

 1. Why don’t we meet at the coffee shop at 10 o’clock ?  

      a. Sure, that’s a good idea.
      b. I don’t like shopping.
      c. Because I need it.

 2. Let’s play tennis. 
       a. It was great!
      b. Sounds great!
      c. It’s a great movie!

3. Why don’t we go to the beach together? 

      a. Good idea.
      b. It’s not good.
      c. Good morning.

  4. How much are the tickets? 

     a. They’re 12 pounds each.
     b. There are 12 tickets.
     c. 12 tickets, please.

 5. Are you ready to order? 

     a. Yes, I’ll take your order.
     b. Yes, I’ll wait, no problem.
     c. Yes, I’ll have chicken with rice.

  6 . Hi, Pam. Are you busy at the moment

     a. Yes, I do. I love reading books.
     b. Yes, I’ve just started reading a book.
     c. No, actually, I haven’t got your book.
   7. What do you think of my new jacket? 

    a. It’s beautiful!
    b. I’m so tired.
    c. He’s dangerous!

   8. Would you like to go to the cinema

    a. Great idea!
    b. Have a good time!
    c. Not very well.
  9. Where are you from? 

    a. I’m from Poland.
    b. You are from London.
    c. I am here.
  10. It’s my birthday today

    a. Today is Monday.
    b. No, thanks.
    c. Happy birthday!

  11. How much is that book

   a. It is not nice.
   b. It is good.
   c. It’s £20.

  12. Can I help you? 

   a. I can help.
   b. Yes, please.
   c. No, it isn’t.

  13. Are you going to the party

   a. Yes, Jim invited me.
   b. That’s great.
   c. I love parties.

2)Order this conversation

Conversation A : Dan calls Kay

Kay: Just yourself.

Dan: Hello Kay. It's Dan. I just received the invitation to your party.

Kay: Me too! Bye.

Kay: It's next Saturday night, 7:00 pm, at 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign. Right?

Dan: OK. Please confirm me the party's information. 

Kay: Hi Dan! Are you going to come?

Dan: Yes,perfect! I'll be there! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks.

Dan: Yes, of course! Can I bring anything?

Dan: See you then.

3)Online practice :D

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