lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Common people, Special routines

-Do you think all the children's routines are similar/dissimilar?
- Do you know any special routine? (sportsman, cooker,etc.)

1) Read these routines.
     Match them with the pictures.

  • Every morning, he gets up at 7 AM. Then, he has a cup of milk with coffee and some integral toasts for breakfast and he read the newspaper. At 9 AM he goes to the gym with his personal trainer. First, he has an special aerobic routine and then, he has another routine for his arms and legs. After the gym, he takes a bath. At midday, he has chicken with vegetables for lunch with his couch or a friend. His diet is based on vegetables, meat, and fruits. Also, with great amounts of carbohydrates that help him to have strength in the tennis court. In the afternoon, he trains three or four hours per day depending if he has a tournament or not. Next, he takes a bath and a massage at 7 or 8 PM. Finally, he has dinner and he goes to bed at 10 PM. 
  • He gets up at 4 A.M and he drinks an special fruit milkshake. Next, he prepares his bag and go to the club at 5 A.M. He trains three or four hours in the swimming pool and then, he goes to the gym in order to train his legs and arms. At midday, he takes a bath and he has lunch. His diet is based on great amounts of vegetables, different fruits and low-fat meat like chicken and fish.  In the afternoon, he has a meeting with his couch. At 8 PM, he has his special dinner and he watches some TV programmes. Finally, he goes to bed at 10PM. 

2) Read this article and fill in the gaps with words from the list below.


Writing tips

More Practice!


1) Read the paragraphs below and
a-order the paragraphs
b-put the verbs in brackets into the present simple

Making Invitations & Suggestions

Here there are some tips!!:D

1) What will you answer to the people saying: (write the letter in the box)

 1. Why don’t we meet at the coffee shop at 10 o’clock ?  

      a. Sure, that’s a good idea.
      b. I don’t like shopping.
      c. Because I need it.

 2. Let’s play tennis. 
       a. It was great!
      b. Sounds great!
      c. It’s a great movie!

3. Why don’t we go to the beach together? 

      a. Good idea.
      b. It’s not good.
      c. Good morning.

  4. How much are the tickets? 

     a. They’re 12 pounds each.
     b. There are 12 tickets.
     c. 12 tickets, please.

 5. Are you ready to order? 

     a. Yes, I’ll take your order.
     b. Yes, I’ll wait, no problem.
     c. Yes, I’ll have chicken with rice.

  6 . Hi, Pam. Are you busy at the moment

     a. Yes, I do. I love reading books.
     b. Yes, I’ve just started reading a book.
     c. No, actually, I haven’t got your book.
   7. What do you think of my new jacket? 

    a. It’s beautiful!
    b. I’m so tired.
    c. He’s dangerous!

   8. Would you like to go to the cinema

    a. Great idea!
    b. Have a good time!
    c. Not very well.
  9. Where are you from? 

    a. I’m from Poland.
    b. You are from London.
    c. I am here.
  10. It’s my birthday today

    a. Today is Monday.
    b. No, thanks.
    c. Happy birthday!

  11. How much is that book

   a. It is not nice.
   b. It is good.
   c. It’s £20.

  12. Can I help you? 

   a. I can help.
   b. Yes, please.
   c. No, it isn’t.

  13. Are you going to the party

   a. Yes, Jim invited me.
   b. That’s great.
   c. I love parties.

2)Order this conversation

Conversation A : Dan calls Kay

Kay: Just yourself.

Dan: Hello Kay. It's Dan. I just received the invitation to your party.

Kay: Me too! Bye.

Kay: It's next Saturday night, 7:00 pm, at 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign. Right?

Dan: OK. Please confirm me the party's information. 

Kay: Hi Dan! Are you going to come?

Dan: Yes,perfect! I'll be there! I'm looking forward to it. Thanks.

Dan: Yes, of course! Can I bring anything?

Dan: See you then.

3)Online practice :D

Writing time! your productions!:D

-Choose a famous person to make an interview about his/ her routine.
- Ask about his/her routine (what time he/she gets up, etc.),birthday, job, favourite colour/movie/book, etc.


- Make a conversation planning to go out with some friend to the cinema / to the restaurant/ to go fishing this weekend.

You can use videos and conversations to do a movie maker

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Mr. Bean Funny Videos

1) Warm-up
-Watch these videos about Mr Bin
-Where is he? What does he do?
-Explain the final scene.



2) Say which sentences belong to the video A or B

* Mr. Bean is upset because there are lots of trashes on the streets.
* Mr Bean sees an artist in the street.
* Mr Bean drives his car in a very carelessly way.
* Mr Bean doesn't understand the portrait.
* Mr Bean cheats lots of people who is waiting for the discounts. 
* Mr Bean creates his own way of making art in the middle of the street.

Stranger than Fiction

1) Watch the video
- What does Harold Crick do?
-Refer to everyday activities.
-You can use these words to help you ;)

What is the Baker's routine like??

Let's know about some special routines!!!:D

1) Read the text about Melanie's father and complete with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Famous people, Special routines!

1) Read the text and then choose the best option

2) Look this article about Tara Lipinski. Read it.

-Why is she famous?
-What time does she gets up?
-What time does she go to the Destrit Skating Club?
-How many hours of practise does she have every day? Does she work with a couch?
-Does she go to bed early?

Now it's YOUR turn!!!

1) Think about your favourite famous person (football player/ classical dancer/athlete/etc.)

2) Find out information about him/her. WhaT time he/she gets up, what he/she usually does/etc.

3) Now, you have all the information. Write about a famous person's routine :D
Follow this model as a guide

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012



1) Look at these images  of different animals taken from "The Animal PLanet" Channel. :)

2) Do you know them? If not, look for some information about them!:)

3) Choose (2) two pictures and include all the information you can.

  • What kind of animal is it? Is it a sea animal or aquatic one? Is it mammal/reptile, etc?
  • Use: *Can/Can't    *Has got / Have got - Hasn't got / Haven't got 
  • Use Adjectives like: Slow/fast   -    dangerous/friendly  -  Big/ small  
  • Use Nouns: feathers, fins, legs, tail, horns, skin, hoof, shell.

Endangered species in our country!


1) Look at this image.
- Can you make a definition of "Endangered species" using the word from the image?
- Do you know any animal that is in danger in this country?

Our animals need us!!!!

B) Look at this interesting Power Point about the TuTu CaRReTa :D 

Now is your turn!!!!!:)

C)Pair work- Look for some species that are in danger of extinction in Argentine!!!:)
Here there are some links!
D)Present a nice POWER POINT with all the information about two(2) animals and why they are endangered species! Also, add images so we can know it!


Enjoy it!:)

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Activity: Answer the questions and complete with true sentences.

1. Has Shrek got blue pants?
2. Has Fiona got a grey dress?
3. Are Shrek hands small?
3. Has Lord Farquaad got red boots?
4. Is Lord F tall?
5. Have Fiona and Shrek got brown shoes?
6. Is Fiona thin?
7. Has Lord F got short brown hair?
8. Have Shrek and Lord Farquaad got a belt?
9. Has Lord F a hat?
10. Is Shrek tall?
11. Has Shrek got a white t-shirt?
12. Has Fiona got blonde hair?
13. Has Shrek got strong arms? 
14. Has Lord F got long arms?

This, That, These or Those?

Click on the link and solve the activities :)


Complete the sentences using THIS, THAT, THESE or THOSE. Good Luck! :)

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Unscramble these sentences

Example: got I've books some - I've got some

1. have do you dictionary a? 

2. have got an you eraser? 

 we've a computer new got 

Italy got many buildings old has 

 lots of hotels nice Greece has 

 a car hasn't she got 

 problems he doesn't any have 

 time lots of got we've

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012


1) Complete

a)This is my sister. ..HER... name is Ann.
b) This is my uncle. is John.
c) This is my dog. is Rover.
d) My uncle and aunt have two children. ..........names are Anna and Robin.
e)This is Mary and ........sister Jane.
f) I am Jamie and this is ..........friend Josh.

Have got / Has got

1) Put in have got or has got into the gaps.

Example: Danny __________ a new computer.

Answer: Danny has got a new computer.
1) I  a nice room.
2) She  a cat.
3) Jack  a pet.
4) The sisters  great teachers.
5) He  an old bike.
6) They  a goldfish.
7) Emma  lots of friends.
8) We  a problem.
9) Joe and Philip  a sister.
10) The family  two cars.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Our Traditions

Describe each person of the image.
Remember to describe their clothes (hat- boots- pants) and their physical appearance (tall-short- thin-fat)

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Describing my partner :)

Describe your partner. 
What's his/ her name?
How old is he/she?

What is he/she wearing?
Is he/she tall? short? good-looking? etc?

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

The Addams Family

1) Describe each member of the family
2) Describe what are they wearing.

Use adjectives like good-looking- ugly, tall- short, fat- thin, old-young.

The Addams Family

Let's take a break and listen to the Adams' song :)